Importance of SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) in a School Curriculum and Classroom Setup.
The objective of a school is to promote well being and nurture the child with the aim of developing and bringing out his/her full potential. Providing the child with the best learning experiences, is the key in order for this to be realized equally, and for all. All humans, child and adult alike, seek social connection, attention and acknowledgement. ‘When educators provide outlets for those connections within the classroom (both with their teachers and peers), it helps build a bridge to meaningful learning.’ This is where SEL comes in.
For high quality education to be a reality, high quality classrooms that take into consideration both the emotional and social health of the learner besides other factors, is a must. In this regard, it is vital that schools go beyond preparation for exams and careers to preparation for life.
What is SEL?
‘Broadly speaking, social and emotional learning (SEL) refers to the process through which individuals learn and apply a set of social, emotional, and related skills, attitudes, behaviors, and values that help direct students. This includes thoughts, feelings, and actions in ways that enable them to succeed in school.’
As a result, when students are struggling and find school difficult they are less likely to pay attention.
Importance of SEL
SEL is important for many reasons. It ensures higher productivity and learning outcomes by building strong relationships that in turn helps address discipline problems. Thus with the implementation of SEL the primary purpose of the education is attained in a larger measure.
‘Measuring the impact of implementing SEL inside the classroom goes way beyond just grades.’ As Dr.Christina Cipriano Director of Research at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence explains, “When students are struggling and school performance is poor, they are more likely to find school and learning as a source of anxiety, manifesting in diminished self-efficacy, motivation, engagement, and connectedness with school.”
‘Students with special education needs as well as students who are low-achieving, are at increased risk of emotions that can override their attention. As a result, when students are struggling and find school difficult they are less likely to pay attention.’
Focusing on just academics, won’t address these needs. Many students struggling in school, need support to address their social emotional health’,
SEL programming specifically designed with these students in mind can help student to learn and offer support thus closing the achievement gap.
‘According to the Collaboration for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) ,SEL can help all young people and adults thrive personally and academically, develop and maintain positive relationships, become lifelong learners, and contribute to a more caring and just world.’ SEL involves five core competencies that can be applied not only in the classroom but also at home, and in students’ communities. These five core competencies are:
Self Awareness
Self Management
Social Awareness
Relationship Skills
Decision Making
How Educators could incorporate SEL in Classrooms.
There’s no one right way of incorporating SEL in the classroom. SEL can be woven into the curriculum instead of designating it as a subject. When teachers personalize content , learning becomes relevant for the child. This way he is more likely to be involved and participate in the learning. Every such learning experience leads to a lifetime of learning.
Conversing with the child during warm up time,circle time or bubble time at the start of the day asking students how they feel is one great way of doing so.
Providing a place for students to calm and making room for calming down activities where possible is another way that actually works and where the child feels safe.
Teachers could make Pair and Share, Partnering with Buddy, Journaling thoughts and feelings about a particular lesson, experience at school or school activity giving time for children to reflect and Role Play a regular part of class room activity.
Creating or making use of situations that arise in class room settings that involve Problem Solving, giving children choices and including students in decision making and also matters that involve disciplining. Assigning group projects or activities of not more that 4-5 students per group are some effective ways of weaving SEL into classroom instruction regardless of the subject being taught.
Teachers can help students set realistic and measurable goals in areas where they need improvement and help them feel as sense of accomplishment on the progress made.
When SEL is made part of the system, it allows for the core competencies to be drilled into their daily lives, making it real and becoming part of their nature.
To conclude and further quote Dr. Christina Cipriano “As a student is provided the tools associated with SEL, they will have more ownership of their actions, a sense of belonging, and will intrinsically care about their education. A student that has had consistent exposure to SEL is able to manage stress better and reduces the chance for that child to become depressed.”